Flash Marriage - Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Jiang Li stood by my side, holding my shoulder to help me get the correct posture and at the same time, said. "You have to lean forward from your center of gravity. Do not lean back and use your brain to control your actions...... Do you understand what is the center of gravity? Forward.....right......the body must not be so stiff. Are you afraid? ........"

I was very sure that I did everything according to Jiang Li's instructions but he did not seem to be satisfied. I felt angry and glared at him fiercely.

He shook his head helplessly, released me, moved his body a little and stood on my right side in front of me. Then, he held up his hand in front of me at a distance which I could not reach and said. "Look, I am in front and you are at the back. You have to try to catch my hand."

I moved a bit, leaned forward and then I felt myself beginning to slide down the snow slope.

When I began to slide down the slope, Jiang Li was at the same time sliding down the slope with me. He held up his left hand in front of me and I tried to catch his hand but my hand was always nearly touching his....... I remembered a joke, saying that a radish was tied in front of a donkey, to make the donkey move forward, as he wanted to eat the radish.....I felt like the donkey now.

But his method of teaching was really effective. Soon I found that my posture was better and I was more stable on the board. At certain times, Jiang Li was really a reliable person.

Because I was not paying attention to the changes at the base of my feet, I accidentally slide over a hollow space. Generally, anyone who experienced such a sudden change, his body would react faster than his brain. So, this time, I also understood and on reflex, leaned backward. One could imagine the next scenario.......

However, Jiang Li's reaction was faster. Once he assessed the situation, he immediately stopped his snowboard with his foot. I was flying straight past him with my arms waving backward. He extended his hand to encircle my waist and as the snow was too slippery, he was unable to stand steadily and as I pressed backward against him.........

When I fell on the ground and landed on something soft. I was not hurt, did not feel any pain and then realized I had fallen on top of Jiang Li. I struggled hard to get up, knelt beside him and asked worriedly. "Jiang Li, did you fall badly?"

He opened his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering. I felt strange today.....why was I paying so much attention to his eyelashes.......yes, it must be because his eyelashes were longer than mine. I was jealous.......

He blinked and lay motionless on the ground. I thought he was hurt, leaned down and gave him a push. I frowned and asked. "Jiang Li, did you hurt your brain?"

The corners of his mouth lifted into a grin and replied. "I am not hurt.......but, I may be crushed."

With his words, I felt more embarrassed. Although I had thought that he was an incompetent teacher but I was primarily responsible for the accident. So, I blushed and apologized to him. "That........sorry......." Although I was the slave master today, I was also a reasonable and democratic slave master.

He said. "You can give me a massage and I will not blame you."

Damn, I will endure! I resisted the impulse to hit him and gently patted his shoulder, smiled and said. "Where does it hurt? Let this master give you a massage."

He lay on the ground calmly like a lord, closed his eyes and said. "I am hurt all over, just give me a massage. Anywhere will do."

I suddenly realized that he was playing a joke on me, so I was completely mad. I threw myself on him and held him by his neck. "You.....get up quickly!"

He stood up reluctantly, his posture was still handsome (I refused to admit.....) and then while standing, he used his strength to pull me off the ground. Then helped me to dust off the snow from my clothes. He looked at me, hesitated for a while and finally summoned the courage to say. "Guan Xiao Yan, I still think you are stupid."

Me: "....."

I was lost for words and shed silent tears. You do not have to say I am stupid and even if I am really stupid, do you have to be so direct?

His words hurt my self-esteem and made me angry, so I coldly said. "To tell the truth, your way of teaching is not that good. Do you really know how to ski? Or only snowboarding? I am such a talented student and you are an irresponsible teacher who teaches like this."

Like an expert in his field, he rolled his eyes to the sky and said blankly. "Let's go to the U-shape pool."

I did not understand and stupidly asked. "What is a U-shape pool?"

Jiang Li swept me a glance and that look made me feel as if I was an idiot.

I grieved. Why were some slaves so arrogant.........


When I saw the huge steep river-like structure, I finally understood what the U-shape pool meant. Plainly, a U-shape pool was a U-shape pool (this is not nonsense.....). It was like a huge half split water pipe, leaning on the hillside. The difference between, the specific use of this snow boardslide and the ordinary ski slope, I was unable to decipher at this time.

I was extremely curious, why there were so few people at this U-shape pool compared to the ski slope. Was this sport not fun? Later I only found out that this U-shape pool was relatively rare in the country. It was a dangerous sport and the entry fees were expensive. The most important point was that this was only available for senior members of the ski resort......and was reserved.

I stood at the end of the U-shape pool, across the semi-circular chute, looked up at Jiang Li who was several meters away at the starting point. Because we were separated far apart, he looked very tiny. It looked like a fun sport.

He paused for a while at the top and then slide onto the track.

Then I found out the function of the U-shape pool.

The function of this U-shape pool was......to show-off!

He slidquickly into the center of the pipe, then rode alongside the wall at a fast pace, and finally flew off the wall, stopping in midair. He grabbed the side of the board with one hand, extended the other hand outwards to maintain balance and then twisted his body in midair. He reminded me of the professional skaters that I had seen on TV.......and although I really wanted to refuse to admit but I still had to admit that he really looked handsome in that position.

He maintained his posture in midair, paused and then fell back into the pool and continued to repeat the process from starting to flying into midair and then landed on the other side of the pool. He still held the edge of the skateboard but the position had changed and my eyes sharpen as I watched.

He fell into the pool and once again flew into midair. I thought he would grab his skateboard and do another twist but did not expect him to fly off the wall. Suddenly he gathered momentum, his body was sent into a twist.......yes, that was correct, he swiveled using his body as the vertical axis, quickly did one or two turns maybe half a turn....... I did not manage to see how many turns he did in the end because he was too fast. I stared at him, hoping to see his movements but it was futile. Although he was getting closer to me,unfortunately, he was too fast and I was dazzled. I had to admit he was really good.

He went off again, flew into midair, twisting his body but this time, it looked as if he did an additional turn or, a turn and a half. My eyes were sore and could not keep track of his fast movements. He was a combination of force and beauty!

He was getting closer and closer to me and seeing that he was near the end of the pool, I thought he would do a vertical swivel but did not expect him to fly into the air. Suddenly he curled like a hedgehog, using his body's horizontal axis as the gravity center, then quickly flipped.......

He was like a skilled fighter plane flying in the air and I looked up at him, excited and speechless. He looked so handsome! Very handsome! Utterly handsome!

I had always thought that he was low-key and introvert. These type of people were generally rational and warm. And to be fond of this type of extreme sports, the person would be kind of passionate, bold and unrestrained......I really did not expect. To be able to play such extreme sports was such an accomplishment and I watched him calmly played a variety of tricks in the air and felt he was in total control.

I could not help but sigh. Did Jiang Li have this passion of fire in his heart? But this passion was hidden and would only be released in such a stimulating occasion.

When he slidto the front of me, I was still in a daze. He lifted his hand and waved at me but it did not register in my mind. Then he used his hands to hold my head and swung my head from side to side.......until I came back to reality.

I looked excitedly at him and stuttered. "Jiang Li, you, you, you are so handsome! You have to teach me, teach me...."

He had a pleased look on his face but he quickly calmed down, pretended to shake his head and said. "No, it's too dangerous."

I insisted. "It does not matter. I'm not afraid of danger!"

He looked at me and said. "In fact, I think you cannot learn."

Me: "....."

My mood was complicated. On one hand, I admired him because I found him to be a talented person and on the other hand, I was angry with him. However, when I thought it over, there was some truth in his words. This was not easy to learn and moreover, to slide down from such a height, I was really afraid. I decided to give up the idea and was at the same time disappointed. I desperately shook his shoulder and said. "Then you show me again, quickly."

He obliged and obediently like a slave, ran to the starting point.

Although I had seen this once before but when he sliddown the second time, I was still very excited. Especially when he curled himself like a hedgehog and did the turn, I was unable to restrain myself and shouted to him. "Jiang Li, you are so handsome!"

He was not too far away from me and he could hear me. But his response gave me a surprise.

He fell from midair and landed on his butt..........