Extreme Martial Arts Modifier - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

"Master Ji, I have something very important to report to you."

After Ye Qiuling searched Muyang to no avail, he found Ji Wuce the first time.

If possible, she certainly hopes that she will bring Muyang over and make a big contribution.

But now I can't find it no matter how to find it, so I have to retreat to the next best thing.

At least report Muyang's affairs to Ji Wushou, how much is considered meritorious.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Ji Wuxi turned and looked at Ye Qiuling.

He had just had a battle with that trick, and he wanted someone from the cultivation school to come over to clean up the mess, and go home to report by himself, but Ye Qiuling suddenly stopped him.

This made him wonder how important the other party's affairs were.

"Master Ji, it's like this, there is a Chiyang Sect warrior named Muyang..."

Ye Qiuling quickly described it again.

After Ji Wu's listening test, she was surprised and said: "Really? Positive internal strength actually has this effect?"

"It's true!" Ye Qiuling replied with absolute certainty.

"Where are the Muyang people?" Ji Wuce was very interested, wishing to see the Chiyang Sect warrior now.

"Master Ji, this is exactly what I want to say."

Ye Qiuling said in a few words about Mu Yang's disappearance.

Ji Wuze heard her face solemn: "This person is very important. Even if he is killed by a weirdness, I will see his body."

After finishing speaking, he instructed Ye Qiu Ling to say: "Leave this to me to deal with, you should complete other tasks first."

"Yes." Ye Qiuling took the order to leave.

Ji Wushou disappeared immediately.

half a month later.

late at night.

The night sky is silent, and the whole land is covered with snow.

Suddenly, two hands stretched out on the white snowy ground, pulling them around.

After pulled a few times, a figure slowly rose from the snow.

is Lin Yu who has been hiding under the ground for fifteen days.

"They should have given up, right?"

Lin Yu stretched out his limbs and said to himself.

Five days ago, he could still feel the subtle vibrations from the ground from time to time, and it seemed that there was a powerful force bombarding the ground.

But for the next five days, there was no more movement.

He felt that the other party should have given up and crawled out of the ground while it was dark.

"Hiding in Tibet is also the sorrow of the weak."

Lin Yu sighed slightly.

The feeling of hiding in the ground is not good at all. I dare not move, I can't do anything.

Although I am not hungry, but I have not eaten for more than ten days, I still miss the delicacies at home.

"Go home first."

Now the situation is unknown, it is impossible to return to Jianyang City directly with those eight sacks.

Lin Yu decided to go back to find out the situation first, and then come back to get the spoils.

An hour later.

Jianyang outside the city.

From time to time, patrolling officers and soldiers walked past the city wall. According to the patrol strength, there was no martial law in Jianyang City at this time, as usual.

Lin Yu urged his internal force to cross the city wall at a very fast speed and came to the city.

looked around and went straight to the Lin Mansion.

When I got home, my parents had already fallen asleep.

Lin Yu didn't want to disturb them so as not to make a lot of noise, so he went back to his house.

"Master, you are back!"

Wan'er got up as soon as she heard the movement, and when she saw Lin Yu's face, she was overjoyed.

"Wan'er, did anything special happen during this time?"

What Lin Yu is most concerned about at this time is what the practitioners did when he was hiding in the ground.

"Yes, there are many!"

Wan'er nodded obediently, and said, "Master, during this time the government forbids anyone to leave the city. It is said that there is a plague outside the city. Many people have died, and they are almost dying."

"I heard the housekeeper say that because too many people died, our Lin family's business was greatly affected. Now it seems that we are living on the old folks. I don't know the details. I don't dare to ask or spread it."

"Also, the government searched from house to house, as if it was looking for a missing person."

Wan'er said as he recalled: "By the way, two people specifically came to our Lin family three days ago and named them by name and said they wanted to see you, Master."

Lin Yu kept nodding his head when he heard it, and what Wan'er said was basically what he expected.

Except for the last two people she mentioned who came to find her.

"Wan'er, why did those two people come to me, do you know?"

Wan'er shook her head lightly, and replied: "Master, I don't know, I have to ask the master about this, the master personally received them."

"Wan'er, have you met those two at that time?"

"I have seen it."

"Do you look like a local?"

"It's not like."

"Are they from our Zhou country?"

"It should not be."

"Oh?" Lin Yu nodded slowly, unable to calm down.

Who would be those two people who came to find themselves?

The friends of the original owner are basically people from Jianyang Mansion, and they will not go beyond Zhou Guo at the furthest distance.

Is it a martial artist?

Lin Yu suddenly remembered that during the last hero meeting, he had made many famous martial artists in the martial arts. Could it be that those people came to him?

It is possible.

"Wan'er, do those two people look like warriors?"

"It's a bit like it, I'm not sure."

"Okay, I see." Lin Yu stopped asking more, and instead ordered: "Wan'er, you can get something to eat in the kitchen~www.mtlnovel.com~Well." Wan'er turned and went out.

Lin Yu took off the dirty clothes on his body, pinched it in his hand, and released the positive internal gas that turned into a raging fire and burned it down.

then found a set of clean clothes to put on.

Since returning to Ningfeng Mountain Villa, he has mostly relied on himself in his daily life, and he has been familiar with these things since.

"Those warriors are looking for me, what is the matter?"

To be honest, Lin Yu doesn't want to mix things up in the martial arts.

With his current strength, it is enough to sweep all the ordinary martial artists in the world, and dealing with them is a waste of time.

He now only wants to worship the Chiyang Sect.

When mixing with those practitioners before, he had already figured out where the Chiyang Sect's mountain gate was.

The only trouble is that I don't know what the Chiyang Sect's income standard is.

Can an adult disciple like myself be accepted?

One night passed quickly.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yu went to bed together and found his parents directly.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, they were overjoyed, and tears were streaming down their eyes.

Especially Lin Chengye, because of business problems at home, his eldest son didn't know his life or death, and his hair turned white several times due to worry.

After a while of comfort, Lin Yu said to Lin Chengye: "Father, I have a few important things to say."

Lin Chengye nodded and said, "Well, go to the study, I also have important matters to discuss with you."

The two came to the study.

After closing the door, Lin Yu asked first: "Father, I heard Wan'er say that two people came to visit three days ago and want to see me. What is their origin?"

Lin Chengye immediately replied: "I want to discuss with you, it is exactly this!"