Crazy Tyrant Sentinel Transmigrates As A Flower Vase Omega - Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Published at 28th of March 2023 12:47:07 PM

Chapter 83: Mental Reform

Baylor did not suffer any injuries. The fight just now Nord was more defensive, there was only some minor friction. His clothes were a little worn and stained, but Baylor didnt care. He sat on the bench facing the flower bed, with Super Wolf sitting next to him, his hand on Super Wolfs solid hair, and watched as Nord was handcuffed and taken away by the military.

Nord was held by soldiers left and right, two in front and two in back, with a collar around his neck to regulate his freedom, so that if he did anything untoward, the military could immediately explode his collar and blow his head off, like a watermelon shattered by a punch.

Baylor watched the cold, stubborn man walk past him. Baylor never had much interest in his defeated men, but for this man, he had something he wanted to ask, but now was not the right time. And just as he lowered his eyelashes in interest, his expression returned to its usual uninterested indifferent look, his glance saw the shadow cast on the ground suddenly stop.

Immediately after, Baylor heard Nords flat, almost stereotypical voice, If theres anything you want to know, feel free to ask me. And, indeed, I dont want to be your enemy.

Then, before Baylor could raise his eyes, the figure was escorted away.

When Baylor raised his eyes to look, he only saw the back of the other party.

It was only then that Baylor noticed that, probably because the military had removed his disguise, the B-grade alpha pheromone had disappeared and was replaced by a different smell, a smell that did not carry any gender information, a