Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World by Ming Yu - Chapter 989: Flaw of the Ultimate Weapons

Chapter 989: Flaw of the Ultimate Weapons

The magic armors and the Elders quickly began their battle. One has to recognize that the ONeal familys pilots were really excellent. The mutual cooperation between each one of them were perfect. Additionally, they can transform their magic armors at opportune times, allowing them with a wide degree of attacks. Their attacking strength was also quite good. Almost immediately, the two sides were at a stalemate.

This battle really shook both sides. The ONeal family didnt expect that 50 magic armors wouldnt be able to exterminate these four experts. At the same time, the Foreign Races were also startled. They see their Supreme Elders as symbols of invincibility. Besides against the anomaly that was Zhao Hai, they havent seen Supreme Elders suffer a loss. They didnt expect the enemys metallic men to block the Supreme Elders attacks.

Both sides were shocked, neither of them expected the strength of the other. At the same time, the ONeal family also prepared to have the other magic armors substitute. They were very clear that the magic armors couldnt fight for a long time.

But what the ONeal family didnt know was that the Foreign Race Supreme Elders couldnt fight for a long time as well. Although their current combat suits were products of the Space, it still needed energy to function. With the strength of the combat suits, their energy requirement was not small. Because of this, the Supreme Elders couldnt fight as for a long time as well.

The biggest advantage of the Spaces combat suits was its lack of backlash to the user. In the past, in addition to the immense energy required to run them, if the user cant achieve the requirements, then they would suffer a backlash. In other words, the Divine Races Supreme Elders, after using the combat suits for a long time, would receive internal injuries. This was the case with Gold Ben from the Taurus Divines.

The Spaces combat suits didnt have this disadvantage. These combat suits were now akin to a giant sword. This sword can give you a huge promotion of strength, but when you use it, it would also consume your stamina. And once you run out of strength, then this sword wouldnt be used anymore. More importantly, this sword wouldnt attack you if you run out of strength. At the most, it was a sword, it alone cannot injure you.

Although the current combat suits wouldnt have any backlash, the energy required to use them was still quite big. Even if they were Supreme Elders, using these combat suits for a long time was impossible.

Actually, this disadvantage was left behind by Zhao Hai. The combat suits that he handed over had more problems compared to the ones that the Space was using; such as an over excessive consumption of energy. The combat suits used by Zhao Hai also had problems in energy consumption, but they werent as severe as the ones used by the foreign races.

Zhao Hai discovered that these people from Foreign Races have no sense of gratitude and were always wary of him. Naturally, Zhao Hai wouldnt give them good things, he wasnt stupid.

Zhao Hai was such a person, if he treated you right and you didnt return the sentiment, then he wouldnt be polite to you. He wouldnt discuss his plans with you anymore.

The Space has the Scanner and the Processing Machine to help Zhao Hai with his life. Although the combat suits have been planted, Zhao Hai used the Scanner and the Processing Machine to modify them a bit before handing them over to the foreign races. Because of this, these combat suits werent as good as the ones used in the Space.

The four Foreign Race Supreme Elders were aware about their limitation, so after clashing with the enemy for some time, they chose to draw back.

As the four Supreme Elders retreated, the ONeal familys magic armors drew back as well. To be honest, the pressure that they felt was really big. Fortunately, they were all experienced fighters, so they made zero mistakes. Otherwise, the consequences would really be unimaginable.

So far, the two sides had been acquainted with the others power, so nobody attacked. The foreign races needed to rest. Meanwhile, although the garrison troops didnt need to rest, they still need to write a report about this situation and then have it sent back to the family.

In the past, they never thought that there were people so strong that four of them could block the attack of 50 God-rank magic armors. Fortunately, the other side didnt seem to have a lot of those kinds of experts.

But what both sides didnt know was the fact that Zhao Hai had seen the entirety of their battle. After seeing the performance of the ONeal familys 50 magic armors, Zhao Hai couldnt help but nod. The coordination between the 50 magic armors was really great. Their attack and defensive maneuvers didnt have any point of mistake. Doing this wasnt an easy matter.

As the two sides drew back to their own camps, Zhao Hai turned his head to Laura and the others and said, It looks like the Atlanta Plane is really extraordinary. Four Supreme Elders in their combat suits could actually be blocked by 50 God-rank magic armors. At the same time, it seems like these God-rank magic armors are more formidable than God-rank Experts. They seem to be close to the peak of power.

Laura nodded and said, I also didnt expect the magic armors to be that strong. From what i can see, the Foreign Race reinforcement wouldnt be able to do anything to the ONeal family.

Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, Isnt that great? If they have no way to deal with the ONeal family, then they would ask for help. When the time comes, the Foreign Race would definitely send support. As for the ONeal family, it seems like they dont have a lot of God-rank magic armors. Now, I want to see what kind of magic armor the ONeal family would send if they suffer huge losses here.

Then Lizzy added, The ONeal family would certainly want to deal with the Foreign Races. With how they intend to rule the Divine Realm, the ONeal would surely find the Foreign Races as their archenemy. And seeing how they handle things, the ONeal family wouldnt treat them as friends.

Zhao Hai nodded, even he didnt expect the ONeal family to be so ruthless. Almost all of the Winged Pegasus cities that they came upon were left with no survivors. This caused Zhao Hai to feel puzzled, dont they need any slaves?

But what Zhao Hai didnt know, in the Magic Armor Continent, major families who conquered a plane rarely took slaves. This was because these planes were mainly practicing either magic or martial arts. Such people were hard to conquer, and even if they were captured, there were little use for them. After all, the strongest means of attack in the Magic Armor Continent were magic armors.

If the people from the Magic Armor Continent were out of their magic armors, then they would have almost no fighting power. On the other hand, most of the people in those planes were physically strong. And with the magic armor pilots not being able to wear their magic armors everyday, if the people from the lower planes attacks them, then the consequences would be unimaginable. So for their own safety, the people from the magic armor continent wouldnt accept slaves.

Additionally, most of the heavy work in the Magic Armor Continent were done using magic armors. Their working efficiency was higher than average people by many times. Therefore, they simply didnt need slaves.

At this time, Lizzy said, The ONeal family naturally had stronger means, but they just havent used it yet. Perhaps their stronger method is the same as the Divine Races combat suits, they would need to pay a price in order to use it. As long as the Foreign Races compel them to a certain point, then the ONeal family would certainly use them.

Zhao Hai nodded and said, The Foreign Races are certainly enough to push the ONeal family. Although magic armors are formidable, they also have their weak point. If the pilots want to rest, then they need to come out of their magic armors. During war time, they have to do this every time they rest. Although they had practiced for so long and had this transition time reduced significantly, they would still suffer under the Foreign Races who were good to go all the time. Moreover, the Foreign Races are rich with fighting experience. They might not understand magic armors for now, but after being in a stalemate for a long time, they would eventually find this weakness. When that time comes, the ONeal family would certainly suffer a loss. They would need greater strength in order to get an advantage in the war.

Lizzy nodded, Right. Because of this, Im quite sure that the ONeal family would use stronger means. But Brother Hai, you need to pay attention. Commanding magic armors to war isnt the same as commanding ordinary people. In the future, when we have our own magic armors, we need to train good commanders.

When Zhao Hai heard Lizzy, he couldnt help but stare. He hadnt thought about this point, but Lizzy reminded him about this important matter. So he nodded and said, It seems like well look for an opportunity to get Undead creatures from the Atlanta Plane.

Lizzy smiled faintly and said, Although the Undead are very intelligent, they still fall short compared to living people, perhaps its because of their insufficient experience. So Brother Hai, I think we should get some people from the Atlanta Plane if we want to create a magic armor army. I dont think we should go for undead.

Zhao Hai nodded, Alright, Ill listen to you. Ill pay attention to this matter. Now that the Foreign Races have clashed with the ONeal family, Im certain that Axe would return. This would give Shan time to move his clan in the next few days. And after all the Winged Pegasus moved, we can finally be relieved about this matter.

Laura smiled and added, Brother Hai, what do you think about inviting the Dwarves over to the Space? Their impression of you is very good. Moreover, there are no problems with their recent performance and moral behaviour. Having them in the Space would give great benefits to us.