Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World by Ming Yu - Chapter 847: Hell King’s Ship

Chapter 847: Hell King’s Ship

Naturally, Zhao Hai wasnt just looking at the scenery. To be honest, the Divine Realm wasnt that much better compared to the Ark Continent. The grass and landscape here was no different. This was what confused Zhao Hai.

At this time, Zhao Hai wanted to know why the people of the village retreated. Did they expect Lu Wei to fail? Is that the reason? However, if that was the case, then the Divine Races rout was unjustified.

If the Divine Race didnt have any confidence in Lu Wei, then they wouldnt have lost their will when he was eliminated. Now that they retreated, this meant that they trusted Lu Wei to succeed. But if they were confident in Lu Wei, then they wouldnt have evacuated their people.

It was a contradictory thing, Zhao Hai was unable to make sense of it. After all, he doesnt understand how the Divine Race thinks.

Feier and the others had returned to Zhao Hais side. At this point, they were already treating him as the alliance leader.

After the group got into the ship and sat down, they saw Zhao Hais puzzled expression. Upon knowing why, Feier and the others were similarly confused.

After some time, Shan opened his mouth and said, Maybe the Divine Race wanted us to come to the Taurus Continent. They would block the spatial rift and then trap us in here.

Zhao Hai frowned, then he said, That is impossible. The Divine Race knows about our strength. And with your three races, it would be impossible for them to surround us. Luring us deep into the continent would be an unwise decision.

Feier knit his brows as he added, I agree with mister. It might seem like the Divine Race had a lot of troops to face us, but mister might not have noticed that there were a lot of recruits among them. For these people, their emotions greatly affected their performance. After Lu Wei was eliminated and mister appeared with his ship, they were immediately routed. If this was the true Divine Race army, this would not happen.

Zhao Hai nodded, he knew the tenacity of a regular Divine Race army. They have fought in the Accra Mountains for days without anybody abandoning the army. The soldiers this time were very quick to go back.

Feier looked at Zhao Hai and said, Therefore, I think that the Divine Race didnt have regular troops available right now. Those Divines we faced today might have been composed of civilians. This would explain their lack of will. If this is the case, then it would be unlikely for the Divine Race to lure us into the continent. That would just be a death wish.

Yue frowned, then he said, What about the Divines doing this intentionally? They sent such an army so that we could be confident when entering the Taurus Continent. Then they would deal with us.

Zhao Hai also frowned, then he turned his head to the others and said, Thinking about it at this time is useless. How about we just follow our original plan. You can leave the spatial rift to me. Feier, you go and send elite troops to contact your people. Go and see their current situation. Also, give a deadline to the person youve sent. If they dont return by that time, then it means that your people are in dire state. What we need to do now is confront the Divines in Holy Light City. Lets not think about going too deep.

Feier and the others nodded. Then the Demon Dragon King, who had not yet spoken, said, Mister, have you thought about the simplest possibility? Maybe before Lu Wei appeared, the Divine Race already took their people back. That is to say, Lu Wei only came here to deal with you. If this was the case, then that would be a reasonable explanation for this.

As soon as he heard the Demon Dragon King, Zhao Hai stared blankly. He smiled bitterly and said, It seems youre right. Its possible that weve been thinking about it too much. But in any case, we still cannot underestimate the Divine Race. Lets go according to our plan. We must capture Holy Light city and make it our base.

Feier and the others were also thinking that this was their safest choice. So they gave Zhao Hai an approving nod. Zhao Hai looked at the group and then said, If theres nothing else, then I wont be holding you back for long. Demon Dragon, help me rebuild the defensive line. Have the Devil Legion guard the place as well, we need to ensure the safety of our retreat. I will leave magic cannons and javelins to you. Right we should study the Divine Race ballistas. I want to know the reason why they shoot much further.

When he heard Zhao Hai, Feier smiled faintly and said, Mister, theres no need to think about the ballistas. The reason they shoot farther is simply because they used more advanced materials. The inhabitants arent the only strong people in the Divine Realm. The the plants and beasts are stronger as well. Because of this, its natural for the ballistas made here to be better than the ones in the Ark Continent.

Zhao Hai thought about it and nodded, So its like that. Haha. Ive been thinking too much into things lately. It seems like we should remake our javelins with materials from the Divine Realm. This way, itll be better for us to deal with the Divine Race.

The group gave a chuckle. Zhao Hai looked at them and then said, You dont have to worry about supplies, Ill take care of it. Right, have your messenger ask if your people need anything. Ill try my best to provide some help.

Feier and the others nodded. Although their faces were calm, all of them knew that their people were having a hard time. This was especially true when it came to weapons. Meanwhile, Zhao Hai had a lot of good weapons. Magic cannons, javelins, and even defensive magic formations. All of these things are very useful against the Divine Race. If Zhao Hai could provide them, then their people would be more relaxed in their battles.

Zhao Hai smiled and then said, Alright, you can go back to your armies. Also, arrange some alarms. We dont want the Divine Race to sneak an attack. Although they are frightened, we cannot rule out the possibility of counter attack.

After Feier and the others left, Zhao Hai went back to the Space with the Demon Dragon King. After they entered the Space, Zhao Hai looked at Demon Dragon King and said, Demon Dragon, when you leave, go and take the sword carriage with you. I have this ship now, so the carriage is useless to me. You can use it to improve your combat power.

The Demon Dragon King stared, then a smile couldnt help but bloom on his face. The Sword Chariot was the Divine Races Domain Weapon. Zhao Hai had used it twice before, so the Demon Dragon King knew about its might. He didnt expect Zhao Hai to give it to him.

Although the Demon Dragon Kings Domain was a black dragon, black dragons still had their claws, he could still hold the Domain Weapon. Having the sword carriage would surely amplify his strength. Later on, he wouldnt be afraid of facing the Divine Races most powerful people.

The Demon Dragon King quickly bowed to Zhao Hai and said, Mister, thank you very much!

Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, Its fine, dont be too polite. Right, Ill have some people sent to rebuild the defensive line. Go prepare the Devil Legion and then send them there. Have them be familiar with the weapons as soon as possible.

The Demon Dragon King nodded. Then Zhao Hai waved as he took the sword carriage out and gave it to the Demon Dragon King. Actually, domain weapons didnt need animals to pull them. As long as its owner provides energy, then they can move by themselves. However, this was more troublesome compared to having it pulled by magic beasts. Because of this, most people would have their domain weapons pulled by magic beasts.

Since he doesnt need it anymore, Zhao Hai gave the domain weapon to Demon Dragon. It can be said that the Demon Dragon King was well prepared to receive it. He already had magic beasts pulling his black dragon carriage, so he didnt need to pick his magic beasts. He can just command his dragons to pull the sword carriage instead.

Then Zhao Hai sent the Demon Dragon King to the Demon Space before he returned to the villa. Laura and the others were currently inspecting the pagoda and the ship. At this time, the pagoda and ship were in their smaller form. The crystal pagoda looked very beautiful, like a piece of art. The ship was also quite beautiful, but its ghastly vibe was something hard to like.

Zhao Hai looked at Laura and said, How is it? Arent they nice?

Laura nodded, then she said, Theyre nice. But I dont like the ship. Its gloomy, it makes me uncomfortable.

Zhao Hai agreed, That ship is quite a problem. I want it modified. How about we go to the processing machine. Lets see if theres a way to improve it.

When Laura and the others heard this, they became excited. Then they pulled Zhao Hai to the processing machine.

Upon arriving at the processing machine, Zhao Hai placed the pagoda and the ship on the ground before he pushed the start button. The processing machine gave out a white light, then a voice was heard, Items rich in Yin energy detected. The two items are compatible and can be combined. Requirements for the upgrade is moon profound water, river of earth fire, golden sand, tree of life, goldmetal wood, and 1 million gold coins. Needs 48 hours to complete. Host may choose the final appearance.

Zhao Hai stared, he didnt think that the processing could actually combine the two items. Moreover, it seems like he could choose its shape. This surprised Zhao Hai.

He immediately turned to the page with the items final form. There were numerous ships shown. But the common thing among them was that they were all very attractive.

Zhao Hais eyes couldnt help but hurt upon seeing the multiple choices. After a while, he turned to Laura and the others and said, Which one would you choose?

As if in agreement, Laura and the others pointed at a picture of a ship. The ship looked very beautiful. It had a light colored hull with a pointed corner at front. It still had 18 decks, and it had a cabin with 9 floors. A flag was set up in front of the ship but the image was left blank. It seems like Zhao Hai was free to choose what flag to place there. Between the topmost deck and the cabin was another floor with a door. Behind the door was a circular pool. The pools pattern was like the Taiji figure. Half of it was water, the half was fire. Outside the taiji pool was the eight trigrams chart. Moreover, there were innumerable golden threads going out of it, merging throughout the ship. It looks like the pool was the one powering the ship.

Underneath the ship was water, which was just like waves of the sea. However, it surrounded the ship, clumped up and not flowing down.

Behind the ship were circular holes with flames blowing out from time to time.

Besides these things, there were also cannons on both sides of the ship. There were 64 cannons on each side, 128 cannons in total.

There were also carvings on the 18 layers of hell on the ship. Although they looked horrible, one could still look at it as some kind of unique art.

On the top deck of the ship were four bells, one for each angle. The little bells were transparent, they seemed to be made of crystal, looking very attractive.

Compared to the other ships, this ship was surely a step up, no wonder the women liked it. Zhao Hai smiled faintly and then said, Good, then well have this ship. As for the flag, the Buda Clans WIld Dragon Flag should be good. As for its name, do you have any suggestions?

Laura thought for a moment and said, I dont have any problems with the flag. As for the name, since it has carvings of hell, how about we name it Hell Kings ship? What do you think?

Zhao Hai looked at Lizzy and the others, who gave him a nod. Naturally, Zhao Hai wouldnt decline this suggestion, so he nodded and said, Alright, then this ship will be named Hell Kings ship. Then Zhao Hai pressed the screen and chose the ships image.

The processing machine let out a bright light as it absorbed the tiny pagoda and the ship. Zhao Hai could also see his hard earned money being taken away. At the same time, profound moon water, the river of earth fire, golden sands, a goldmetal tree, and a tree of life also vanished from the Space.

Zhao Hai couldnt help but sigh upon seeing this as he said, It took so much, lets just hope that the result is worth it.

When they heard Zhao Hai, the women couldnt help but let out a tender smile.