Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World by Ming Yu - Chapter 507: Joyful Reunion

Chapter 507: Joyful Reunion

After the introductions, Wales looked at Laura and the others and smiled, Good, brother has finally married. I also think that its time for you to marry. I didnt expect that you would be this quick.

Zhao Hai laughed and said, I wont dare to be slow. Otherwise, theyll be taken by someone else. Hahaha.

Wales also laughed and said, If someone dared rob my brother, then Id form an army to deal with that person. Hahaha. Right, brother, why did you come this time? Did something happen?

Zhao Hai smiled and said, Everythings fine. I just spent Gods Grace Day with everyone. Then after that your brother has managed to get promoted and had himself a new fief in the Human lands. Its quite a good place. Also, Lizzy is a Princess of the Rosen Empire while Megan is a treasured lady of the Calci Family. After having them, I went to tie the knot by wedding. Then Lauras family came to take her back, resulting in me eliminating their clan and having Laura take the place as the head.

Wales gawked, and then he laughed and said, So the status of my Sisters-in-law arent simple. Fantastic! With brothers promotion and wealth as well as your marriage with sisters-in-law, you now have everything accounted for. Hahaha.

Zhao Hai laughs and said, Right, Hahaha.

This way of talking was what Beastmen prefer, say what you think, dont be a hypocrite. Because of this, they didnt dislike Zhao Hais way of talking.

After chatting jokingly for a while, Zhao Hai turned to Wales and said, Brother, how is the tribe doing now? You can tell me if you need anything, your brother will help you.

Wales nodded and said, I hope brother can get me some ironware, preferably weapons. You should know that the event where we had dealt with the Fighting Bulls was only known to few people because of the winter. But from now on, people would look for trouble with our Herculean Bull tribe. If we have enough iron weapons, then we can manage to deal with them.

Zhao Hai smiled and said, This is not a problem. How about this, Ill send you two hundred thousand great axes, Ill have them delivered later. Right, those slaves that youll send me, let them stay here in the meantime, have them help. When your fighting ends, you can send them backto me. Also, go help me get some corpses to turn into undead.

Wales laughed, Then Ill be impolite. Ill wait until everything gets settled down before bringing you those slaves. Right, we also need grains. I really dont know what is going on, but there seems to be a shortage of food in the Prairie. Our Cow-headed race is rapidly running out of food right now.

Zhao Hai smiled and said, Alright, thats not an issue. I have a lot of bamboo rice, and also some Bread Fruits. You can have as many as you want

Wales smiled and said, I know that Ive been asking a lot from brother. But brother can be rest assured that I will not let you suffer. In the past few days we have gathered a lot of Magic Beasts. I promise to trade them to you at a suitable price.

Zhao Hai smiled, It really doesnt matter. I can afford this, you dont need to worry. You can also ask the other beastmen to see if they also lack food. If the entire Beastman race gets a shortage of food, then it might lead to a massive war.

Wales stared, he hadnt thought of this possibility. He immediately nodded and said, Right, right, it seems like I really have to check on this matter. Our current Herculean Bull Tribe is still weak, we need a few years before we can recover, we arent ready for war. But brother, if the entire Prairie did have a food shortage, what do we do?

Zhao Hai thought for a moment and then said, Dont worry. If the entire Prairie did lack grain, then I will find a way to provide it. I might not have enough of other things, but when it comes to Bamboo rice, Im confident.

Wales was now very trusting of Zhao Hai, when he heard Zhao Hais words, he immediately nodded and said, Alright, then brother dont need to worry about the other matters, Ill take care of it. If you have the grain, then they would definitely buy it at a high price.

Zhao Hai nodded, I really dont care about the price, so long as war doesnt happen. But Brother, if you have a war with the Aksu Empire, then I wont oppose. Ill let you know that the Aksu Empire has been giving me trouble these days. They made me feel very uncomfortable.

When Zhao Hai told Wales about the situation with the Aksu Empire, Wales became angry. Then he immediately declared loudly, Good, Aksu Empire, they actually dare act against you? I definitely wont let this matter go. Brother can be rest assured, if I find an opportunity then I will definitely avenge your grievance.

Zhao Hao smiled, But I also think that this isnt a good idea. I can also avenge myself, but I dont want to do so right now. I have a good relationship with the Purcell Family, if you attack the Aksu Empire, the Purcell Family would surely be the first to suffer bad luck. And I dont want to see that.

Wales nodded, Brother, feel relieved, I wont act unreasonably. Right, lets not talk about these things anymore. The things outside have already been roasted, lets go eat and drink!

Zhao Hai nodded, then he followed Wales. Outside, Argali and Bulls have already been roasted. There were also some delicacies of the Prairie that were prepared. The seafood that Zhao Hai had brought were also prepared, all of it can now be eaten immediately.

Faced with the scene of the Herculean Bulls passing around the food made Megan and Lizzy feel like they didnt have enough eyes to look at everything.

While looking at the hustle and bustle of the people, Wales raised his hand. Upon doing so, the Beastmen immediately became quite. This scene made Lizzy very surprised, even the Emperor of the Rosen Empire didnt have this much control.

Seeing that the crowd had gone peaceful, Wales said loudly, Today, our Herculean Bulls brother Zhao Hai has returned to the Prairie. Let today be a special day for our tribe, we must celebrate well. But dont cause too much ruckus. Weve already prepared delicious dishes for you. Come join me in welcoming our good brother Zhao Hai. The crowd cheered loudly.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Hai couldnt help but smile faintly and didnt say anything. He knew that these Beastmen didnt need his speech. If one needed to say empty words, then he might as well not say anything at all.

Before long, a small table was placed in front of them. Placed on top were the delicacies as well as some milk products. Making these things were a Beastmans forte, humans just cant simply compete with them.

After Zhao Hai and the others sat down, all of the Beastmen went to sit down as well. They also had their own tables in front of them, and on top of those were the seafood that Zhao Hai had brought. These things were something that these Beastmen wouldnt have been able to eat in their entire lifetime.

Wales didnt become polite, he raised his wine glass and said, Today, we shall welcome Brother Zhao Hai. Brother, come, have this cup. Cheers! Then the crowd shouted as well, Cheers!

Zhao Hao also lifted his glass, then he drank the liquor. The rice wine that Zhao Hai brought was very delicious but strong. Wales liked it very much.

After downing this glass, the atmosphere immediately turned warm. As various delicacies were brought to their table by young Herculean Bull women, Zhao Hai and the others continued to enjoy themselves in eating and drinking.

Megan and Lizzy didnt know how to let loose. Since childhood, the two of them had always been taught about how to act appropriately. They must follow set movements in whatever they do, so they found it hard to eat this freely.

The Beastman way of eating was something that they couldnt easily adapt. But when they looked over at Zhao Hai and the others, they seemed to be doing it comfortably. The two couldnt help but feel curious.

Looking at the two, Laura knew that they needed an explanation, she looked at the two and said, Here in the Prairie, its really not very good to act very politely. If you become too polite, then they would feel angry. Because of this, one should just throw their etiquette out the window when eating and drinking here. The more you eat the more happy people get.

Megan and Lizzy then looked at Nier who had stuffed her mouth full of meat. The two of them couldnt help but want to try it. They opened their mouths and took a huge bite out of the meat. The two of them couldnt deny that eating a huge chunk of the meat really does reveal a unique taste.

A banquet as warm as this was something that Megan and Lizzy hadnt attended much before. The warmest event that they had recently attended was their own wedding, and that was considering all of the other banquets that they had attended before. But they had to admit, the atmosphere then wasnt as warm as this one.

Before long, young Beastmen women started to dance. Some Herculean Bulls soldiers were also wrestling. The atmosphere immediately turned bustling.

Zhao Hai was already quite used to this atmosphere. This atmosphere made one drink more wine than they usually did. Sure enough, Zhao Hai drank more wine than usual, all of them were now drunk.

At midnight, Zhao Hai woke up. He felt much better right now. After all, rice wine wasnt the strongest wine that he had drank. Also, Laura had Caier fetch him some water from the Space. So his state was now back to normal.

Zhao Hai sat up from the bed and felt that he had a good nights sleep. He felt that his body become light and cool. He stood up and then went to the living room. This night, it was Shuns duty to look at the monitor. Reflected on it was the tent that Wales had prepared for Zhao Hai.

Seeing Zhao Hai arrive, Shun immediately said, Young Master, youve come. The madames have already rested.

Zhao Hai nodded and said, Ive drank so much this time, now I cant fall back to sleep. Ill just sit here with you.

Shun smiled and said, Go sit down Young Master, Ill go get you a cup of tea. Zhao Hai nodded and then sat down.

Before long, Zhao Hai smiled to Shun and said, Ive always had a relaxed feeling everytime Im in the Prairie. It may be because it didnt need too much thinking when getting along with the Beastmen.

Shun smiled and said, Beastmen are truly adorable. I can see from their appearances that they really dont want to attack the Humans. But they were only compelled to do so because of the suppression done to them.

Zhao Hai forced a smile and said, In this war between races, nobody is right or wrong. From the viewpoint of humans, what they did was correct. They control the prices towards the Beastmen because they dont want the Beastmen to be strong. The Beastmen think that the Humans are bullying them. They think that as long as they are able to survive, they wont be attacking the Humans. After all, they also dont want to have deaths among them. But if the humans would go too far, then the Beastmen wouldnt be polite anymore.

Shun nodded, So Young Master, what are you going to do? Will you help the Beastmen? If we do supply the whole race, then we can certainly guarantee the supply. We can just let Caier cultivate some Bread Trees, with those, we can get a lot of Bread Fruits that can supply the Beastmen.

Zhao Hai nodded and said, I also know about this, but I want to see how the situation goes. If the whole Prairie is really lacking in food, just as Brother Wales said, then there is a problem. Somebody must have been in control behind this. I dont want to act before those people make their move.

Shun nodded, he also agreed to Zhao Hais method. Zhao Hai wasnt a saint, and he doesnt need to wipe the ass of the Beastmen. What was currently happening to the Prairie needed to be checked. If they dont, then it would be the Buda Clans miscalculation, and Zhao Hai didnt want that.

After chatting with Shun for a while, Zhao Hai returned to his room and rested. The next morning, after the group washed themselves, they went out of the Space and out of the tent. At this time, the Beastmen were already going busy outside. Seeing the busy Beastmen, Megan and Lizzy couldnt help but take a liking to them.

Yesterday, other than meeting the higher ranking people of the tribe, they also met with the commoners. In their opinion, whether they be high ranking beastmen or commoners, both were very adorable. All of them were diligent, much more than the most diligent nobles. Now the two of them can understand why Zhao Hai and the others were able to get along with these people. If you dont get along with these kinds of people, then theres something wrong with your nature.

When the Beastmen saw them, they all gave their enthusiastic greetings. Megan and Lizzy now saw how different the Beastmen and the Humans were.

At this time, Wales sent for Zhao Hai to invite them for breakfast. Zhao Hai didnt decline as he led Laura and the others to have breakfast with Wales. After the meal, Wales kept Zhao Hai inside his tent as they were offered milk tea. Wales took a sip of the tea and looked at Zhao Hai, Little Hai, I think we should go to the Mastiff Race and have a look there first. If the Dog race lacked grain, then we should ask them for help. After all, they have helped us a lot in the past.

Zhao Hai nodded and said, We should, we should. When our Herculan Bull Tribe were having difficulties in the past, the Mastiff Race gave us a helping hand. Because of that we managed to wade through the difficulty and managed to stand up again. Right, brother, if you have any other friends that needs help, then we should also help them.