Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 2456: Changkong Escapes Danger

Chapter 2456: Changkong Escapes Danger

Chapter 2456 - Changkong Escapes Danger

Tianming looked over and saw a whirlwind headed his way.

Fenger! Dongshen Yue grabbed Tianmings hands. She teared up when she saw her grandsons hand and legs growing back, as that showed just how dangerous things had been for him.

Dont cry, Grandma, Tianming comforted her.

Nonsense, am I that kind of person? Dongshen Yue quickly wiped her face and pushed down her feelings, trying to pretend nothing had happened. Youre an astral G.o.d now, thats great.

If you survive a disaster, therell be blessings after. Tianming smiled. He was already aware of the aftermath in the Infinitum Swordsea.

The whole of Ebonia was still in an uproar over the two major incidents. Tianming and the rests names had shaken the region after theyd defied the odds and won.

So even Lin Jie has a death sentence on him now? Great! It was a pity he hadnt been caught yet. Wheres Grandpa?

Hes outside. The clan re-elected him as the Lord of Discipline. Hes now punis.h.i.+ng the rebels.

Lets go and see.

Be careful. Tianxi and the alien monster are still around, Dongshen Yue warned.

They are? Tianming angrily grit his teeth. He could never be comfortable as long as they were around. However, the alien monster should still be hurt for now.

Tianming, Dongshen Yue, Feiling, and the rest stood at the council halls entrance. Outside, Lin Xiao was surrounded by experts. He had become the most trusted person for the clans disciples! The Lin Clans responsibilities now fully weighed on him. Before him were the rebels, all kneeling.

Tianming was especially familiar with Lin Chongjing.

That Lin Chongjing was certain we were going to die at first. But when he heard that Chi Hun had died, he immediately found Lin Chongyao and tried to get him to intercede with the second patriarch, Dongshen Yue disdainfully said.

Hows Grandpa going to handle him?

On account of Ku and Lin Chongyao, hes being given a chance to reform. Hes already made a blood vow in front of the ancestors, so hell be given a chance since his mistakes werent large, Dongshen Yue sighed. That person was Lin Hongchens father, and if he could change his ways after being lost, it was a good thing.

Tianming also saw two more familiar faces: Lin Xiaoyun, the third branch master, and Lin Wuyi, the seventh branch mistress! Lin Xiao was currently judging them.

Theyre the masterminds and they also killed many clansmen while helping Lin Jie open the council hall! Tianming grit his teeth.

Lin Xiao pa.s.sed his judgment. Both of them would be jailed for a thousand years and the third and seventh branches would undergo a council succession override, with their main bloodline being reselected. Once upon a time, Lin Wuyi had plotted a council succession override for the second branch, and now shed lost her branch mistress position, and even her line had lost its succession rights.

This is karma! The council hall and the Lin Clan disciples roared with approval toward Lin Xiaos announcement.

Lin Xiaoyun and Lin Wuyi had no chance of a comeback. With them locked up and Lin Yun and Lin Ziqing dead, their families would likely lose the council succession override. Thus, they shot to their feet, shouting their unwillingness. However, they were quickly dragged away, shouting and cursing.

They happened to see the heavily guarded Tianming, whose body was currently sparkling with starlight and had undergone a clear transformation. His future seemed limitless.

As for those two, they would basically be cripples by the time they got out of jail. Funnily enough, Lin Jianjia was still stewing in that same jail.

Lin Xiaoyun and Lin Wuyi involuntarily remembered how they had tormented Tianming when hed first come to the Myriadsword Mausoleum. How the tables had turned.

Remember to think of me when youre on vacation! A thousand years! When youre out, youll have new legends of me to hear. Tianming grinned.

You! The two were so furious they spat blood on the spot. But all they could do was curse at Tianming as they were dragged away.

Lin Chongjing had a higher status than them, but he wasnt the mastermind nor had he murdered his own.

As for the last four reformists, they were stripped of their statuses and would be on probation under the clans watchful gazes.

The Lin Clan finally settled down. However, many still stayed outside the council hall, silently waiting.

Lin Xiao received a transmission stone. After a moment of silence, a smile broke out on his face. Everyone, Lin Changkong just reported his wellbeing to me. Lingxiao and him have left the Lifeless Chaoshole and are en route home!

The final source of stress for those in the Infinitum Swordsea was finally gone.

Thats great!

Good things happen to good people, while bad people die or run away.

The civil war was shameful, but I believe we can only go up from here!

Yes. We have the number one on the minor reges mundi ranking, Lin Feng! And we also have the eighth rex mundi, Lin Xiaodao!

Right, where is the eighth rex mundi?

Everyone looked expectantly at Lin Xiao, who rubbed his head and helplessly said, He said hes shy and has stage fright. Just treat him as the mysterious expert sort and forget about him normally! When hes needed, hell step up to uphold justice for us.


Truly an expert thats above the mundane world.

Thats exactly the kind of person meant to cultivate the sword. People like Lin Jie only know how to fight for authority, so how high could their sword dao go?

Hes a hero of our SwordG.o.d Lin Clan!

Fenger! Lin Xiao finally had time to come over and give Tianming a hug. His eyes were red.We were almost separated forever, but its all over now. We can look forward now and work on establis.h.i.+ng our clan on this Ebonia.

Of course.

Lin Xiao patted him on the shoulder. Lin Xiaodaos waiting for you at Brokensword Peak. Well bring you over.

What does he want? Tianming was curious.

He wants to take you as his disciple.

Did I say I wanted a master? Tianming chuckled.

Dont spout nonsense. In this world, hes the only person who can both be trusted and can protect you, Lin Xiao said.

The ebons threat hadnt vanished, but magnified instead. What came next would be a true battle.

Alright. You lot wait for me for a while. Itll be happy time soon, Tianming said to Ying Huo and the rest. What they wanted was ordered manna; it was time to go and be Mr. Moneybags.