Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 2407: Imperial-class Divine Wonder

Chapter 2407: Imperial-class Divine Wonder

Chapter 2407 - Imperial-cla.s.s Divine Wonder

Tens of thousands of nova source worlds erupted in turmoil.

"The top elder of the mysterians has been defeated!"

"Wait, Li Tianming just became the strongest fighter in the entire Mysterium Cl.u.s.ter and isnt even a hundred years old!"

"How divine.... What kind of monster is he? Will he shatter the Skydome Battlefield in the future?"

All the sovereigns that saw the bigger picture of the Mysterium Cl.u.s.ter felt the foundations in their hearts shudder. What they wanted to know most was....

"Will he be able to shatter the whole Skydome Mundus one day? Perhaps even push back against the divine wonderians?"

"He belongs to the Mysterium Cl.u.s.ter! Hes a legend of our making! If he ever rises to the top, hell be our pride and joy!"

There were tens of thousands of times more people living in the entire Mysterium Cl.u.s.ter compared to the sun, so it wasnt spa.r.s.e in the least. Many heliacal-cla.s.s worlds had many mortals that could procreate all too easily and they numbered in the trillions. Tianming, despite still being in Ebonia, could feel the countless Omnisentient Threads within the Skydome Mundus attempting to stretch toward him. It was a shame that he was too far away and could feel the power, but not use it.

"The seeds have been planted. One day, I might be able to use them. For now, the Omnisentient Threads from the sun aren't enough for me to roam about the astralscape of order unhindered. But if their number grows beyond my imagination, perhaps therell be a miracle." He had relied on Omnisentient Threads to completely dominate in the sun, and that feeling had been far too exhilarating.

"If I'm able to bring the Tianming Dynasty to Ebonia as well, itd be even better. It's a shame thatll be too hard. I wasn't even able to plant seeds of faith in the Infinitum Swordsea." Not to mention, he was facing his biggest crisis ever right now.

"Dammit, it's like I'm a grudge magnet." After killing Yanwu Tian in the wondersky realm, Tianming kept staring at the s.h.i.+t all around him with a troubled look.

"How is it? Still want to keep burning the s.h.i.+t away? Youve already learned what you wanted to know, so we should be leaving soon, right?" Even Ying Huo felt like caving to this place. Tianming's caelum could leave whenever he wanted to.

"I'll stay for a bit."

"What? Did you start to like this place?" Meow Meow asked.

"I'm already so disgusted I might as well clear this place. I don't want to relive this the next time I come to the Skydome Battlefield!"

"It's all your own fault for being afraid of s.h.i.+t. You must be carrying quite a bit of baggage, eh?" Ying Huo mocked.

"Shut up!" Tianming closed his eyes and used his Imperealm Sword Formation, haphazardly blasting away at everything in his surroundings like a madman.

"Master, come fall into my embrace! It's warm and soft!" the wondersky fairy offered with open arms.

"I don't need any warmth right now," he angrily spat.

"But you could still enjoy the softness!" The fairy stretched out its finger and placed it on her lips, feigning innocence.

"Go to h.e.l.l! You're no different from the s.h.i.+t around me!" Tianming continued his mad streak of rampant attacks. "Die!"

He killed anyone he saw before they could even show up in the sea of s.h.i.+t without discrimination, becoming the shared terror of Terror City. Eventually, he no longer saw anything ahead of him. The twilight-yellow world around himand its smellcompletely faded away.

"Congratulations, my dear master, for pa.s.sing the trials of Terror City. Youre now one without fear. How brave! Should your humble slave reward your amazing achievement?" the wondersky fairy asked, winking.

"It's finally over?" Tianming slumped onto the ground, almost hugging Ying Huo and crying.

"That's right. You're amazing, master! I like you so much!"

"Phew!" Tianming took a deep breath. Everything had returned to normal, and as expected, the seventh vertebra on his spine was marked with a new sigil of terror that couldn't be erased.

"You look worn out, master. Do you want to rest for a bit, or keep going to challenge the eighth city? If not, please follow me to collect the reward for pa.s.sing the trials." The wondersky fairy kept nattering on, intoning its voice to sound seductive to match its sensual winking.

"I. Want. To. Go. Home!" All he wanted was to go back and sniff Feiling and hopefully wipe away the horrifying things he had smelled.

"Very well, master. Please come back soon! Don't leave me hanging for so long again! I've been waiting so long that I almost started to mold!" The fairy tugged at her nonexistent skirt and puckered her lips as much as she could when she heard he was leaving.

Just as Tianming took a deep breath and prepared to leave, someone called out to him.

"Young man!" An old, melancholic voice reached his ears. It was Old Man Voidback, the mysterious existence that had promised him the most powerful divine wonder! Didn't you say you wouldn't show up again? Tianming was rather puzzled.

Right as he was about to speak, the old man quickly said, "Don't say anything! Let me do the talking!" The wondersky fairy in the vicinity would hear Tianming if he spoke. "Whyd you take so long to pa.s.s the challenges? Given your power, you can make it through a few more cities. The closer you are to Voidback City, the easier I can find you!"

Tianming rolled his eyes, unable to say anything in reply. The reason he didn't want to keep on going was the sigils on his spine.

"Oh, I get it. You just don't know how amazing that divine wonder I'm going to pa.s.s to you is! You're still young, after all, so you know nothing," the old man sighed.

"Stop holding your farts and let it out!" Tianming spat.

"Master, why are you bullying me again? How could a fairy like me fart?" the wondersky fairy said, blus.h.i.+ng.

They were both weirdos. Tianming zipped his mouth shut again.

"Fine, I'll give it to you straight. Listen up, lucky young man!" the old voice said, voice agitated.

Tianming gave him his full attention, intent on seeing how the old man would tempt him.

"The strongest divine wonder ever is imperial cla.s.s!" The words echoed in Tianming's ear.

Imperial cla.s.s? He was quite stunned, but he immediately snapped out of it. Wasn't that the same cla.s.s as the Flameyellow Imperial Star? It was an entire cla.s.s above the infinitum cla.s.s! No doubt, nova wildbeasts in that cla.s.s were much more powerful than infinitum-cla.s.s ones, and the same applied to divine wonders. Even Etherean Zhaohua only had two ether-cla.s.s divine wonders, not even infinitum-cla.s.s ones!