Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 2305: That Tree is Conducting a Massacre

Chapter 2305: That Tree is Conducting a Massacre

Chapter 2305: That Tree is Conducting a Ma.s.sacre

My arm! Cao Tama screeched. As an astral G.o.d, he could regrow his arm. However, losing it in the first place meant losing all the astrons in it, along with a corresponding drop in his combat power until he could recover.

What I want is your life! Tianmings sinister voice was like a nightmare for Cao Tama. When he saw the electrical cosmic impulse on Tianmings black sword, he was frightened out of his wits.

Fortunately, Miao Miaomiao and Mu Sheng arrived at that moment. A whip and arrow went for Tianmings head and heart, respectively. If he insisted on continuing his attack, he would have to pay a price in blood.

Tianming dodged to the side. The two had held back because Cao Tama was in front of him and they were afraid of friendly fire. Although he had to suffer their order, the soul attacks had incited the wrath of the Soul Tower. Violet mist filled it, turning it more resilient and helping him clear his head. Before that, various illusions and screeches had been driving him crazy.

"Three orderans ganging up on me, yet this is all you're capable of?" In front of his audience of millions, as a member of the Lin Clan, Tianming didnt show the ebons any respect. His laughter made their faces lose color and their eyes turn even darker!

It wasnt just them; the audience in the outside world was also filled with disbelief. Since ancient times, G.o.ds that could suppress astral G.o.ds were rare. As for G.o.ds that could suppress?genius?astral G.o.ds, they were unheard of. Yet here was Tianming, taking three of them on at the same time!

Just what is going on with his cultivation level?

"This Lin Feng is even more interesting than his father."

"Three on one, but he even managed to injure one of them."

"Kill him!" The ebons embarra.s.sment turned into fury, and instead of splitting up, they attacked him together.

Tianming chuckled as he stepped forward to welcome them. Their strength isnt themselves, but the low-sanctuary-cla.s.s warbeasts they command! All I have to do is keep them busy. As he took on his three opponents, his lifebound beasts actually had an even more shocking performance than he did.

Firstly, Xian Xian. With Ji Jis support, it was flying around as a dryad, pelting the deific-cla.s.s wildbeasts with abilities and order. It was utter bullying, as the thirty deific-cla.s.s wildbeasts could only endure the onslaught. They were entangled by roots or vines, and those that hadn't fled yet had already had their bones picked clean by the giggling spiritform. The black roots were its mouths. They dug into its preys flesh, the warbeasts only able to act as blood bags before its order and Primordial Chaos Beast abilities.

With this feast of flesh, even if Xian Xians branches and roots were a.s.saulted by enemy abilities or her flowers were chomped on, she could still grow back even more vibrant than before.

That trees conducting a ma.s.sacre!

Not just the tree, look at those silver insects!

Yin Chen didnt care about the losses it took for the sake of this battle. It had invested four billion soldiers that marched toward the octavein fiend. The fiends arms swept in all directions, shattering every silver insect they touched. However, it couldnt kill the Yin Chens faster than they could reach it.

Honestly, its preferred matchup was a foe like Lan Huang. Once it cracked open their outer, it could gulp down blood like a whale. That was why many lifebound beasts feared the octavein fiend.

However, Yin Chen was a metallic insect. The octavein fiend found no blood within it to consume and was quickly drowned in the billions of Yin Chens. The b.l.o.o.d.y mist around its body was also limited in its effectiveness at corroding Yin Chen.

Within its blood, venomous jellyfish swam about. Silver spiders covered its tentacles, spinning webs that trussed it up. There were also gra.s.shoppers, scorpions, centipedes, bonegnaw ants, b.u.t.terflies, eight-starred ladybugs. If Yin Chen werent a beautiful silver, the scene would have been much more grotesque. As a Primordial Chaos Beast, when its sheer numbers could come into play, it had shocking combat power.

It had been growing well recently, and Tianming deeply trusted it. That was why he had chosen it to break down the opponents defenses. As for Lan Huang, it was relying on its order, but was struggling to determine a victor between it and the ninevoid fiendcat. Lan Huang wasnt the cats bane, after all.

As Yin Chen had a ma.s.sive advantage, Tianming chose to press his advantage there. Since the start of the fight, his nine Prime Cosmic Rings had hovered above the octavein fiends head, rotating. Now, as the fiend was being manhandled by the silver insects, the rings fell and bound the struggling warbeast. Yin Chen was good at pestering, but its abilities were just a little short of what was needed, making the Prime Cosmic Rings intervention timely.

Shrink! Tianming manipulated the wonder to shrink and the heart-shaped fiend began to leak blood from the squeezing. It wriggled and struggled as it let out pained cries that shook the battlefield. However, the rings mercilessly continued shrinking, squeezing the life out of the fiend. Its flesh burst and enough blood flowed to the ground to form a pond.

Yin Chen didnt show mercy either. Although it didnt eat meat, it could still bite. The sea of insects began forcing its way into the fiends bloodstream and biting any flesh they could get their pincers on. A moment later, Xian Xians roots joined in, rising out of the ground to pierce the heart-shaped creature, riddling it with even more holes.

The octavein fiend gave out strange wails, its growing distress apparent.

My baby! Mu Sheng wailed when he looked over, coughing out blood in his emotional state.