Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 1812 - Nonacrypt Fushen Formation

Chapter 1812 - Nonacrypt Fushen Formation

Chapter 1812 - Nonacrypt Fushen Formation

Fushen Valley was northwest of the Myriaddragon Mountains, and was a special area like the Frostsoul Sea. Its terrain had even more mountains than the Myriaddragon Mountains, and the mountains were very strange as well.

The tallest peaks rivaled the Azurecloud Divine Tree, and the chain of black mountains was also riddled with unimaginably deep abysses and underground caves between the mountains. Located there was Fushen Valley, a place that made people shake just hearing its name. It was a land for the venomous, filled with snakes and insects. It was the most suitable habitat for rearing them. Fushen Valley and the Myriaddragon Mountains had around the same land area. The Fushen Clan had built their palaces on the mountainsides and abysses. The main branch of their clan lived there and had established a protective formation.

Such a thick mist!

That was Tianmings first impression. The entire Fushen Clan was enveloped in a pitch-black fog. When the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb plunged inside, it was even darker than the Frostsoul Sea. People couldnt even see their own hands. If Fushen Gongyi hadnt been personally leading the way, Tianming would probably have crashed into countless mountains on the way.

He could see the strange mountains below him, thanks to the light from the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb. On the mountainside, inside the rocks, and within the abysses and rivers an endless number of insects could be made out. Some were lifebound beasts, and some were the brood of broodmother-type lifebound beasts.

For example, Tianming made out a river of blood. However, when he got closer, he found that it was actually a dense collection of blood-colored loaches.

Welcome to the haven of insectsFushen Valley.

The Ninedragon Imperial Tomb pa.s.sed through the Nonacrypt Fushen Formation and entered an abyss. It was so deep and wide that it was like a wound on the sun. Time was tight, so he quickly opened the nine gates and let the forty million troops stream out in an orderly fas.h.i.+on.

They looked around Fushen Valley, which was filled with black mist. The place was ominous and strange, filled with snakes and insects. Even little children were playing with the bugs. This place was quite creepy.

This was Yin Chens first time seeing so many brethren. Tens of millions of little silver eggs poured out from Tianmings lifebound s.p.a.ce, spreading through Fushen Valley as fast as they could. Yin Chens fast takeover led to a few metal c.o.c.kroaches getting into a glaring contest with some mantises that devolved into a scuffle.

Tianming, this is the fushen pill we specially produce. It can help to resist the Mystic Bloodtoxin and Deluge Toxin from our formation and provide clear vision through the Nonacrypt Bewildering Mist. Although the formation will lock onto targets, its still best to avoid friendly fire. Fushen Gongyi had already made arrangements, even though Tianming had just arrived. He provided over forty million fushen pills, which Tianming quickly got people to distribute.

All troops, prepare! The Ninedragon Army had their own general, so Tianming didnt have to deal with the small details.

Is the Divine Sun Palace almost here? Fushen Gongyi asked.

It should be here in about fifteen minutes. Tianming looked around. This place looks quite defensible.

Yes. Our Fushen Clan has stood for so many years by relying on the Fushen Valley. This is us insect-type beastmasters world. Anyone that barges in will have to suffer our poison. With your support this time, we need to make the Divine Palace Army suffer a big loss. Fushen Gongyi coldly smiled. I know they must look down on the Fushen Clan. Admittedly, our combat prowess is average when we go out. However, its different in our territory.

If Fushen Gongyi had so much confidence, it went for the rest of the Fushen Clan. To Tianming, that was a good thing. He could see the entire clan was eager for battle as well. Many cultivators were enraged after the tragedy of the Windheed Pavilion, and they had been hoping for a chance to hit back hard.

As the Fushen Clan were the hosts and familiar with the Nonacrypt Fushen Formation, Tianming and Fushen Gongyi quickly arranged squads. One Fushen Clan member would have four cultivators from the reinforcements.

At the Myriaddragon Mountains, the terrain is plains, so the most effective method is beastmaster cavalry. However, here in the Fushen Valley with all its mountains and abysses, small and mobile squads are whatll frighten the enemy. Thats been our experience over generations, Fushen Gongyi sinisterly said.

Alright, well let the locals decide. Tianming didnt want to make random suggestions here. He quickly got Yin Chen to fill the entire formation so that he could gain a full view of the battlefield. How much toxic mist and liquid do you have here, anyway? He felt his scalp go numb.

Yes, many were just set up, so they dont belong to our formation. Thats why we prepared the fushen pills, Fushen Gongyi said.

Alright. Tianmings last action was to examine the formations spirit threads. Countless black threads extended into the abyss. Deep down were the Fushen Clans G.o.ds, all three hundred million of them. Although they couldnt enter the battlefield, they could at least power up the formation.

Everything was in order!

Anxious, youngster? Fushen Gongyi looked at Tianming and patted him on the shoulder.

Rumbling noises suddenly came from the north. Tianming stood atop the mountain peak, his eyes piercing through the black fog. A golden head blazing with fire was roaring in the distance, charging toward Fushen Valley. He was about to face the Divine Sun Palace and sun emperor!

Was he anxious? He was, a little. However, it was quickly replaced with a burning fighting spirit.

The golden head quickly arrived at the airs.p.a.ce above Fushen Valley. The Nonacrypt Fushen Formation was a black hemisphere below it, deathly silent. It looked like a battle between holy fire and evil darkness.

However, the tyrant couldnt be differentiated from the people defending their homes, based on the type of power used.

The Divine Sun Palace began gathering power, its golden head s.h.i.+ning with radiance.