Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 1421 - The Wiped-Out Army

Chapter 1421 - The Wiped-Out Army

Chapter 1421 - The Wiped-Out Army

With the Tumulus Pill G.o.ds age, his lifebound beasts had also long since gone past their peak. Even so, they still seemed like the kings of avian and terrestrial beasts. They combined the advantages of lions and eagles. In the sky or on the land, these were war G.o.ds among lifebound beasts!

As for him, after he had grown to over ten meters tall, his eight ears were obvious. It was the eight-ears talent of the warG.o.deans, which was an innate gift for combat that could push their echolocation to a terrifying level and give them even greater combat ability. No sound in the battlefield could escape his notice.

With his long spear and giant cauldron, and commanding five nine-headed war griffons, it was clear that the previous War G.o.d hadnt lost his sharpness yet.

This clash left Yun Tianque unable to breathe.

Dont resist! The Tumulus Pill G.o.d knocked aside countless cultivators protecting Yun Tianque, seizing the initiative.

A handsome and cold middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of Yun Tianque and his gaze stabbed into the Tumulus Pill G.o.d like sharp swords. At the same time, eight shadows appeared by the mans sidethey were darknight truefiends! When they appeared, the surrounding area was immediately plunged into darkness. In the dark, the horned figures with their blood-red eyes and giant, beast-like claws looked especially frightening.

Yang Ce! The Tumulus Pill G.o.ds eyes narrowed. He couldnt understand what he was seeing. Yang Ce was from the Xuanyuan Dragon Sect, what was he doing here? His instincts suddenly screamed danger and he turned around. Many experts had surrounded him. Long Wanying, Yan Wuxia. Them being with Yang Ce was normal. But why was Gujian Qingshuang there? Even the Snowsun Quadspecters were preparing to fight the Tumulus Pill G.o.d!

You all? The Tumulus Pill G.o.d shook. He smelled a conspiracy, but his mind was a mess.

They all coldly looked at him. Tumulus Pill G.o.d, you had a high prestige and commanded universal respect. Yet you chose to become a lapdog of the celestial orderians. That is unacceptable, Long Wanying said.

You and Yun Tianque! The Tumulus Pill G.o.d stared with wide eyes as his heart pounded. He still didnt get it.

Yun Tianque and Gujian Qingshuang were generational foes! How could they be here, standing side by side? How did Gujian Qingshuang dare to come into the Supracloud Sanctuarys formation by himself? Why were the Snowsun Quadspecters serving them? He didnt get it! He couldn't see Tianming, who was spectating the battle from afar.

No one would solve his confusion.

Interesting, the Tumulus Pill G.o.d couldnt help but laugh.

Long Wanying looked outside and said, Let me tell you some good news. Right now, Li Wushuang is trying to bring two hundred thousand people north to escape. Theyre already at the gates of the Supracloud Sanctuary. However, the Northdipper Swordsage brought people to block them and their path. Theyre currently surrounded by an army of a million cultivators, so your current last ditch effort is meaningless. Dont you have eight ears? Can you hear the wailing of your hundred thousand warG.o.deans outside?

The Tumulus Pill G.o.d felt his heart clench. No matter how good his hearing was, he couldnt hear anything from outside the formation. Long Wanying was mocking him, so he wouldnt believe her!

Wretched woman, stop lying. How could you all stop her if Lady Wushuang wanted to bring people away? You think some words are enough to scare me? the Tumulus Pill G.o.d coldly laughed, but he felt like countless ants were crawling over his heart.

Look behind you!

Battle had already erupted in the formation. With a ten-to-one disadvantage, the warG.o.deans could only flee.

Inside, outside, all you all know how to do is run, Long Wanying said.

b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! The Tumulus Pill G.o.d was furious. In the past, would a bunch of incapable children like you have dared to surround me?

Why talk about the past? Accept your fate! Long Wanying said. She exchanged a glance with her team; none of them would care about fairness when it came to the Tumulus Pill G.o.d.

All of you come at me together! The Tumulus Pill G.o.ds status was nothing like Lan Shas. He was someone whom all warG.o.deans respected and was the strongest opponent they had besieged so far.

From afar, Tianming felt his heart pound. Could they succeed? At least it would be hard for the Tumulus Pill G.o.d to escape now that he had entered the formation.

The darknight truefiends and nine-headed war griffons started attacking each other. The battle between gold and black tore apart the clouds, forcing Tianming to retreat.

Yin Chen, whats the status outside? Tianming asked.

All is under control... Yin Chen proudly said.

Speak clearly!

They have countless casualties.

How many exactly were countless? Tianming looked at the edges of the formation; he wanted to see it personally.

To seize this continent, I need to chase away the invaders. Goodbye, warG.o.deans and Blueblood Starocean!

Smoke and blood filled the air as a rain of fire fell from the fiery clouds above to meet the b.l.o.o.d.y mist on the battlefield. The rain of fire caused the pools of blood on the ground to boil and release blood-red vapor that filled the air with a stench.

This way, Lady Wushuang! Among the mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, a small group was cutting through the bloodsoaked battlefield. It was Li Wushuang and her fourteen aides. Even now, they were still orbiting around her. If they flew, they would definitely be faster. However, they would be a target, so they stuck to the ground and tried to leave inconspicuously.

There was a crunch as Li Wushuang stepped on a fallen leaf, cracking a corpses arm bone hidden underneath. She remained expressionless as she continued on.

Lady Wushuang, dont be angry. It doesnt matter. It isnt like these are losses for our celestial orderians. Theyre just some warG.o.deans and Blueblood Starocean cultivators. Theyre servants of the emperor, so some of them dying doesnt really matter.

Right, right. His Solar majesty wont blame you.

The Northdipper Swordsage is too hateful. The Sky Palace, Dreamless Celestial Nation, and the Voidword Shrine havent even dared to speak up, but he still ran here to show off. That moron is seeking death.

When His Solar Majesty hears of this, hell definitely wipe out the Empyrean Sword Sect to help you vent.

In this situation, theyre so surrounded that even ten thousand of this two hundred thousand escaping would be a miracle. Lets forget about them and leave faster!

Yes, your safety is the most important thing.

Her entourage continued comforting Li Wushuang.

Quiet. The next one to speak will lose their tongue. Li Wushuangs voice was utterly sinister. She didnt sympathize with the dead; however, this sort of failure would mark her for the rest of her life.

Her attendants hurriedly shut up.

However, at that moment, a mob of several hundred rushed out. In the lead was a bloodsoaked Wind Swordlord. From how he looked, he had partic.i.p.ated in a ma.s.sacre. Even if he hadnt slain a thousand, he had at least slain eight hundred. When he laid eyes on Li Wushuang, he gulped. He immediately used a divine ordered tome to send out a flare that lit up the sky, signaling Li Wushuangs position! Countless people quickly surged in his direction, barring their path.

How did he find us when we were so stealthy? Li Wushuang frowned.

Her group was actually almost out of the battlefield. It seemed that the Wind Swordlord had known their location.

Thats true!

The way forward was swarming with people.

Its Li Wushuang!

Stop her!

Kill her!

The sight of so many randoms looking at her with murder in their eyes made Li Wushuang coldly sneer. However, she was undeniably very irritated.

Which of you betrayed me? Step out. Li Wushuang looked at those around her with contempt.

They were all stunned. They didnt know why the Snowsun Quadspecters had betrayed them, either. Due to that betrayal, Li Wushuang a.s.sumed one of them had leaked the information.

But in truth, the real reason was that Yin Chen was tracking them. Tianming had then used someones transmission stone to give the Wind Swordlord her location. The result was all Yin Chens merit.

There were at least eighty thousand people heading this way right now.

Li Wushuang is here!

Stop her!

Such shouts could be heard everywhere. These people didnt show any mercy and directly charged in for the kill. However, ordinary people couldnt pose a threat to Li Wushuang. She would have died long ago otherwise.

What do we do now, Lady Wushuang? There are so many. Some of her attendants started getting anxious.

Shut up! Just kill them all! How dare they raise a hand against Lady Wushuang?

At that moment, several attacks from lifebound beasts were lobbed toward Li Wushuang. This was a war! Even if Li Wushuang wouldnt die in the end, her entourage might not survive.

Kill our way out! They sped up and finally managed to leave behind the forest and arrive at a vast lake. This was the northmost part of the Azurecloud Continent. Any farther and they would be in celestial orderian territory.

However, when they reached the lakesh.o.r.e, they found over ten thousand swordpupils floating above the lake. And at their center was a man with a stone-like body wearing a mask and gently smiling at them.

He was the Northdipper Swordsage!