Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 1260 - Unparalleled

Chapter 1260 - Unparalleled

Chapter 1260 - Unparalleled

In the sea of clouds, the shapes of a nine-headed black dragon and a three-headed, six-armed beast could faintly be made out.

There were also two youths facing off. One had transformed into a werewolf and carried a serrated white bone blade. The other youth had red eyes and was wearing black armor. This youths eyes were clear, his expression unflinching even though he was fighting a strong opponent.

He used his black staff to eliminate his opponent.

Mission accomplished, he looked at the skyward eyes in the skies above. Deep desire was hidden within as his gaze pierced through unfathomable distances to land on the one person he was waiting for among the sea of people. He was betting that she would see him. Hence, he directed a foolish smile toward the skyward eyes, which was as simple and pure as when they had first met.

Billions of kilometers away, at the Ninemoon Palace in the far north of the sun, there was a young woman standing there with long hair that was as white as the moon. When she saw that foolish smile, she knew what he was thinking. Warmth surged within her, and she couldnt resist smiling. Idiot, youre still like a little kid.

She felt a brief pang of loneliness and lowered her head. It was because she knew he had no way of knowing if the one he was hoping for was watching him. Unfortunately, she had no way of telling him. There was no way to tell him that she knew that he was still alive, and that they had arrived on the sun. She focused all her attention on the Voidsky Skirmish, not willing to miss a single moment they appeared.

The name Feng had already risen to fourth on the imperial star ranking.

One more win and they can get the candidacy for the Sky Palace. It doesnt matter which of them enters, the ident.i.ty will make things much easier. She was very well aware of the pain of having no backing after her time in the Moon G.o.d Realm. She had ended up paying a huge price. Fortunately, he was still alive, something worthy of celebration.

At that moment, several young and pretty women came in, chattering.

G.o.ddess, G.o.ddess, Young Master She is here to see you.

The young womans expression immediately changed when she heard the name. She retracted her smile and her expression turned cool and indifferent. She gestured, and the servant girls all retreated.

Soon, a young man in dark red dragon robes entered, a warm expression on his face. Falling to one knee, he respectfully said, Greetings, G.o.ddess.

Is something the matter? The young woman didnt even turn around, looking at the clouds ahead.

The Spiritjoin Valleys Scarlet Suntree I mentioned before is about to bloom today. When the time comes, the valley will become filled with fire, and the view of that field of red will be magnificent. The emperor has instructed me that the G.o.ddess works hard on her cultivation, and needs rest. Im here to invite the G.o.ddess out for a trip. The young man remained on one knee, not rising. He kept his head bowed, not daring to look directly at her.

I thank you for your kind thoughts. However, I dont need rest, and I dont have any interest in scenery. Im currently at a critical juncture, so I dont wish to be distracted. She turned around. If theres nothing else, you may leave.

Yes. The young man kept his body bent as he drew back.

When he reached the exit, he pursed his lips and said, Is the G.o.ddess watching the Voidsky Skirmish? Did you notice anything mysterious?

What could be mysterious? The young woman chose her words carefully.

True. The so-called geniuses of the imperial star ranking still have a gap when theyre compared to us celestial orderians. Although the G.o.ddess has only cultivated for a short time, the gap is still wide. The young man nodded.

Us celestial orderians? Arent you a beastmaster?

The young man wasnt awkward hearing the question. For us of the Veildragon Palace, our bodies, hearts, fates, and souls all belong to the celestial orderians.

The young woman didnt reply, just waited for him to leave.

The man continued talking. Actually, that Weisheng Moran has a seven-star divine beast, so she would be up there even if she was here.

Oh. The young woman had no interest in the person he mentioned. However, Weisheng Moran was undeniably the greatest obstruction for Tianmings trio now.

G.o.ddess, the emperor helped you find a seven-star universal manna a while back... has Shuo Yue evolved yet? The young man asked in a low voice.

Why are you so concerned? The young woman pointed at the door, slightly displeased.

The man was very polite on the surface, even overly humble. However, he hadnt left, which showed that their relations.h.i.+p wasnt a simple master and servant.

Sorry, I shall leave now! The emperor instructed me to properly serve the G.o.ddess. Please let me know if the G.o.ddess has any requests. Ill work myself like a horse to accomplish any tasks. He finally turned to leave.

Dont overthink it, theres no way it could happen between us. The young woman continued looking ahead at the clouds.

Yes. The young mans mouth twitched, perhaps out of embarra.s.sment, as he left the palace.

Outside the servant girls were all looking at each other, speechless. They didnt even dare to breathe loudly.

Young Master She is a miracle in all of the Veildragon Palaces history. But even he has to be humble before the G.o.ddess.

Of course, the G.o.ddess has a nonabane. Shell be the empress of Orderia in the future. Everyone has to lower their heads apart from the emperor.

A nonabane is too frightening. She even has a lifebound beast. Thats what it means to be unparalleled.

They were all whispering into each others ears.

Quiet. A womans voice drifted out from inside the palace.

The gossiping girls quickly shut their mouths. They all knew the G.o.ddess was a gentle and peaceful woman. She never bullied anyone, and her att.i.tude towards these servant girls that had been handpicked by the emperor was very good. However, her att.i.tude wasnt very good toward the emperor himself, nor this husband-to-be that was picked by him.

Rumour had it that the G.o.ddess was the emperors illegitimate daughter who had grown up in the normal world. Some grudges after not seeing each other for years was normal.

The G.o.ddess will understand the emperors efforts one day.

Young Master She will be a good husband, too. Hes loyal and willing to put his life on the line.

Everything will be perfect. Serve the G.o.ddess well, and us sisters will have a limitless future!

These girls all had very high talent among the celestial orderians, but all of them had middling backgrounds. Growing up with the G.o.ddess, they would be her future foundation when she ruled. They carried a lot of hope for the future.

Lets work hard! they all encouraged each other.

However, inside the palace, the young woman they thought was destined to rise was currently biting her lips and her eyes were filled with rebellion and determination.