A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298 Yuning, I Want You (3)

Getting married, being a flower girl?

Mu froze for a moment before responding with a wow and protested, I dont want it!

Thats okay. Moussegu said breezily, There are plenty of children who can be flower girls.

The implication was that he didnt have to be Mu Mu.

Wh- Mu whimpered, her voice sounding on the verge of tears, Auntie Yuning, dont marry Uncle Mu, I dont like him!

Before Xu Yuning could speak, Mu Sijun blocked back Mus words, Good boy, the point is that Auntie Yuning likes it.

The implication is that Xu Yuning likes him and thats why she married him.

One sentence was a double blitz to Mu Mu.

Wow, dont! Mu Mu was really scared by Mu Sijun this time and cried, shouting and screaming on the other end of the phone, Auntie Yuning, you dont like Uncle Mu, hes too nasty, oooh oooh oooh

The more Mu Mu cried, the deeper the curve of Mu Sijuns lips became, not hiding his gloating.

Xu Yuning couldnt look away and looked at Mu Sijiu incomprehensibly, Is it fun to tease Mu Mu like this?


Mu Sijiu did not hesitate and took it for granted, speaking as if it was not excessive for him to tease Mu Mu so much.

Xu Yuning was speechless for a while, and didnt bother to pay attention to Mu Sijiu, took back the tablet and softly asked, Mu Mu, are you still listening?

Well, Im at .

Mus voice was resigned.

Dont be sad, Uncle Mu is just joking with you. Xu Yuning thought for a moment and added, In this way, lets make a pact when Im better, Ill find a chance to visit you, okay?

Good! Mu finally stopped crying, Auntie Yuning, then you have to get better quickly.

Xu Yuning nodded with conviction, Okay, I promise you.

Mu Mu didnt know what the commotion was and said hurriedly, Uncle Dongzi is here! Auntie Yuning, well talk about it next time oh! Bye!


Xu Yuning hung up the phone, turned her head, and was caught off guard to see the smile on the corner of Mu Sijuns lips.

She was helpless and amused, Mu Si Jue, how come I didnt realize you were so wicked before?

Mu Sijiu looked at Xu Yuning, as if he was not arrogant, After a while, you will find more flash points in me.

Hey, bad taste isnt flash, okay?

Xu Yuning wanted to emphasize with Mu Sijun, but she knew without guessing that Mu Sijun would find an impeccable reason to explain his bad taste as a flashpoint.

She chose to give it up.

Mu Sijun looked at the time, it was already late, Xu Yuning needed to rest.

Before he could say anything, Xu Yuning said, I want to go for a walk.

As Mu Sijiu led Xu Yuning out the door, he ran into Ah Guang head-on.

Ah Guang came to get something, and when he saw Mu Sijue and Xu Yuning, he asked unexpectedly, Its so late, where are you guys still going?

Musas.h.i.+ raised an eyebrow, Havent thought about it yet.

Light was speechless for a moment, So do you guys want to wait for me? Ill just go in and get a few things and I can drive for you guys.

Hmm? Xu Yuning couldnt help but wonder, Ah Guang, dont you live here?

She heard Auntie Zhou say that in order to facilitate the errand, = during this period of time, Mu Sijun and Ah Guang had been living in the villa.

But, from what Kwong said, he doesnt seem to live here anymore?

Ah Guang coughed and said in a meaningful way, Sister Yuning, youve come back, Seventh Brother doesnt need me anymore.

Ill drive by myself, you busy yourself. Mu Sijun interrupted Ah Guangs words, after saying that, he directly pulled Xu Yuning away.

However, this did not dispel Xu Yunings doubts.

Xu Yuning fastened her seatbelt, supported her chin, and sized up Mu Sijun with ulterior motives.

Mu Sijiu glanced at Xu Yuning, If you want to ask anything, ask directly.

Good. Xu Yuning said straightforwardly and asked unapologetically, When Im not around, do you need Ah Guang a lot? Two big men living together, why do I feel so suspicious.

I do need Ah Guang. Surprisingly, Mu Sijiu did not deny it and said frankly, There are some things that only Ah Guang can do with me.

Xu Yuning became more and more curious, looking at Mu Sijiu with interest, Like what? What is it?

Like drinking. Mousseguy faded, Hows that, want to know more?

Drinking is not strong at all ah, Xu Yuning was suddenly interested in nothing, No more.

Mousseguy stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.

Xu Yuning was curious about where Mu Sijun would take her, but never asked.

She told Mousse that she wanted to go out, anywhere, she just wanted some fresh air.

Then, Mousseguy took her out the door.

At this time, it was estimated that Mousseguy also still didnt have a clue.

The car sped along, stopping at the river in the center of town.

The river divides the city into east and west, and the bustle and glitter of the riverside epitomizes the city.

Mu Sijiu, however, did not take Xu Yuning to a popular and busy road, but stopped the car in front of a pier.

There are not many people in this marina, you can only see the busiest section from afar, surrounded by a few street lamps, emitting a dim light, coupled with the lack of pedestrians, this place seems particularly quiet.

Xu Yuning pondered for a moment and said, Its a good place. But what did you bring me here for?

There is not even a place to sit down here, does Mu Siju bring her to this kind of place for some indescribable purpose?

Mu Sijun clasped Xu Yunings hand, Go.

Before Xu Yuning could react, she was led by Mu Sijun onto the pier and onto a yacht.

The dry heat of summer has dispersed, coolness from all sides, looking at the distant bustle, and then enjoy the quiet near at hand, Xu Yuning for the first time felt that the original night can be so quiet and beautiful.

In the past, the nights of her life had been either killings or unholy hatred.

Surprisingly, she had never realized that the night could be used for enjoyment as well.

Someone ran over and asked, not quite sure, Seventh Brother, are you sure you want to go out to sea? Dont we need to call a few more people over?

No need. Mu Sijuns voice was cold, even under the cover of the night, his displeasure could be clearly discerned, Do I need to repeat it a third time?

No, no need. The henchman was busy shaking his head, Seventh Brother, Ill do as Im told right away.

The yacht soon began to sail, zipping into the darkness, farther and farther away from the bustle of the city center.

Xu Yuning listened to the sound of water in the silence and looked at Mu Sijun curiously, Where do we stop?

Musas.h.i.+ said as he pleased, Stop wherever you please.

Xu Yuning felt that she finally deeply realized what it meant to be capricious.

Wait for me.

Mu Sijiu went back to his cabin, and Xu Yuning stayed alone on the topmost floor.

The further they went, the thicker the night became, and gradually the lights from the yacht became the only source of light around them.

It was because of this that the stars overhead became bright.

Xu Yuning casually lay down, blowing the sea breeze and leisurely looking at the stars.

Not long after, Moussegu came up with a bottle of wine, a fruit plate, and a couple bottles of juice drinks, and a windproof scented candle in his other hand.

The light from the candles jumped on his face, and the faint vanilla scent drifted away with the wind, occasionally drilling into Xu Yunings breath, and Xu Yuning felt refreshed.

Seeing Mu Sijun holding the wine, Xu Yuning sat up at once and reached for it, Mu Sijun avoided her movements and stuffed her with two bottles of juice.

Hey! Xu Yuning looked at Mu Sijiu with dissatisfaction, I want to drink!

Not now. Mu Sijiu directly blocked Xu Yunings words back, Wait until youre better.

Xu Yuning touched her stomach, then remembered that she couldnt drink.

Resignedly, she opened the juice and took two sips, saw that Mousieu had poured himself a gla.s.s of wine, and touched his gla.s.s, smiling wryly at the end, like a child who had gotten away with a little plot.

Mu Sijiu pondered for a moment and put down his wine gla.s.s, Yuning, I told you that I have something to discuss with you.

Xu Yuning remembered that Mu Sijun had told her about it on the airplane. She also had a premonition that it must not be good.

She looked at Musas.h.i.+, Are we going to discuss it now?

Mu Sijun sat down beside Xu Yuning, and after a long time, spoke with difficulty, Do you remember, the doctor told you that you and the child, we can only choose one.

Xu Yuning was like suddenly encountering a cold front, her entire body froze, and the smile on her face slowly dissipated as she stared blankly at Mu Sijun.

How could she forget?

She was shocked and helpless when she learned the news, and in the end she chose the child with little hesitation.

If she hadnt had to protect her child, she could have been a lot less careful when she returned to the Kang family.

But, since Mousie brought it up, she couldnt help but ask-

Who do you pick?

Mu Sijuns gaze was deep as he looked into Xu Yunings eyes and said without hesitation, You.

Xu Yuning felt surprised and felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

Isnt it normal for Mousseguy to choose her?

But what about their children?

Xu Yuning looked at Mu Sijue and smiled helplessly, Unluckily, our choices are exactly opposite, what should we do?

Very well done. Mus.h.i.+ said, Listen to me.

Xu Yuning shook her head, Mu Sijiu, I can listen to you on everything else, but not on this matter, I must give birth to the child.

That would be really unfortunate. Mu Sijuns voice became more and more resolute, For everything else, you can disobey me, only this matter is not allowed. Yuning, you must listen to me and give up the child.

Xu Yuning of course knew that Mu Sijun gave up his child in order to let her live.

She wouldnt get angry, or even feel touched, and she wouldnt even fight with Mu Sijun.

But this child is the continuation of her statement, she can give up everything but the child

Next, it should be a long drawn out battle, right?